
Food Technology

Delicious Good Nutrition!

The Year 7 students have begun their study of nutrition learning about the 2+5 healthy eating rule. Everyone should have two pieces of fruit and five serves of vegetables every day in order to grow strong healthy bodies. The Year 7 class made decorative platters based on the 2+5 rule and Mr Prentice’s Grade 4 class judged them – and ate them! Delicious!

Food Technology
Food Technology
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Research Science

Students have been exploring a range of topics in Research Science. Year 8 Students have looked at the factors affecting how long bubbles last (very important in the mining industry) and will be attempting to make giant bubbles next week. Year 7 students have looked at the effect of soil type on plant growth and have practised their graphing skills, while the Year 9 students have been growing crystals and finding out about how important they are in our modern lives.


Year 8

The Year 8 Boys and Girls English classes have been enjoying the trademark stylistic quirkiness of Australian author, Morris Gleitzmann, in their study of the novel, Once – the first in a series of six books he wrote about the Holocaust, featuring child narrator, Felix. Each student has researched and presented information to the class – with a strong focus on the European civilian heroes of WW2 – those people who chose to do good in a time of inherent evil. We are learning to annotate and tab our novels in preparation for writing a text response essay which is due later in the term. Many of the students plan to finish reading this series in their own time, which is wonderful.

Ms Kocevska – Year 8 English Teacher